Public Art, Dwelling Place

Concept, History, and Process:

A Sukkah is by definition a temporary shelter. It is designed to remind us that in our vulnerability it is community, tradition, and faith in something larger than ourselves that together create our real safety, not material possessions or fancy homes.

There are many detailed regulations defining how a sukkah should and should not be constructed in order to be kosher (meet traditional rules). The following is neither a complete nor a definitive list. A Sukkah must have at least 2 ½ walls, with wall edges no more than 9 inches from the ground or from the roof.

The roof or schach is the key to the Sukkah and can only be made from materials which have once grown from the earth.

There can be no metal visible in the roof.

The structure must be temporary and must provide a sense of vulnerability to and connection with the elements, while still feeling like a shelter.

No trees limbs may overhang the roof.

The roof must be open enough to see the stars through it, but it must also provide more than half of its surface with shade from the sun.

Southern Maine Hillel Bagel Brunch in the “Dwelling Place”

Traditional Jewish ‘paper’ cuts in recycled plastic by Arlene and Dean Bandes.

Additional photos.